About Jirachi956

Hello, I’m Jirachi956, which is the username I use for Club Penguin.  I have a membership (as I demand a new membership card every month, hahaha…). My account’s over a year old.

My brother also has an account; Pugin94.  If he’s on when I am, he prefers to follow me around throwing snowballs and typing “lol”.

I usually go on emptier servers, as the computer I work with isn’t very fast. I mostly go on Mammoth and Frozen, since Mammoth is a favorite of many famous penguins (I once met Fever there!), and Frozen is said to sometimes have moderators and beta penguins dancing at the Dock there.
Edit: Well, now I go to Frozen and Mammoth ONLY, regardless of how full it is. I’ve met so many famous penguins on those two servers, that there’s no way I’m going on any others anymore.

I constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY, change my look. At the time I was writing this, I looked like this:
Yeah…I’m usually broke, haha…
And by the time someone reads this, I’ll probably look way different, heh…

My Buddy List is pretty much full, and most of the penguins on there are ones I’ve talked to and liked, so I won’t accept just anybody.
But if you have a pokemon in your name you’re a shoo-in. *boot*
Uh…just kidding…hahahaha…

This is what my igloo looks like currently. See, I already look different, lol…
And yeah, I know, it’s a small house, but I like it. 🙂
Edit: Well, now my house looks way different, since I constantly change it, and I can’t keep updating it every time I do.

This website will contain walkthroughs of missions, secrets, a guide around Club Penguin, and much more.  So enjoy your time here, and thank you for visiting!

One Response to “About Jirachi956”

  1. Emilyjojo7 Says:

    Wow! Love the site. Your great with CP. I only go on CP about 1 or 2 times a week! I bet you go on a lot more.

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