Club Penguin Rooms

There are several different locations on Club Penguin.

There’s Town, where the Nightclub, Coffee Shop, and Gift Shop are.

You can get to the Boiler Room this way.  Also, you can go upstairs of the Nightclub.

From the Boiler Room, you can get to the Pool, which leads to both the Underground Mine and the Plaza.

The Plaza holds the Pet Shop, the Stage, and the Pizza Parlor.  You can get to the Pool from the Plaza this way.

The Stage’s theme depends on what play is going on at the time.  This one was “Quest for the Golden Puffle”.

There is also the Beach, where you can go to the Lighthouse, and from there, to the top of the Lighthouse.

Then, there’s the Dock.  Yes, I know, it’s very crowded.

There’s also the Ski Village.  From there, you can go to the Ski Mountain, the Ski Lodge, and the Sports Shop.  And if you climb the ladder in the Ski Lodge, you’ll find yourself in the Lodge Attic.  And on Ski Mountain, you can join sled games (look at me! XD).

From the Sports Shop, you can access the Agent HQ if you’re an agent.

Then there’s the outside of the mine.  As well as the Forest, and the Cove.

There are also Snow Forts.

The Iceberg and the Dojo are hidden places on your map, according to the site.
This is what the Dojo looked like before the Halloween Party of ’08. After the party was over, the Dojo was wrecked because of the high winds. It was rebuilt and dug out of the snow by a bunch of penguins and a mysterious penguin named Sensei.
After it was rebuilt, it looked like this on the outside, this on the inside, and the Ninja Hideout was added. To get to the Dojo, you have to be a Black Belt Ninja, and you get in by mousing over the stone tablet to the side of the dojo, which slides down to reveal a door to the Ninja Hideout.

When Rockhopper visits, the beach looks like this. This is his ship on the outside, and from there you can go to the crow’s nest or to the Ship Hold. This is the Crow’s Nest. You can also enter the Captain’s Quarters if you have the Key.

This is what the map looks like.

That’s pretty much it, if I forgot something, contact me at jirachi956@gmail.

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